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#6 Legitimacy of the Regime

Sheikh Hasina lost the ethical legitimacy to rule in the eyes the people of Bangladesh within 3 years of her ascending to power bagging more than two thirds of the majority in the parliament, soon after she had abolished the scopes for the caretaker government in 2011. And the purpose was clear to all. At the outset of her reign, as she mutilated the constitutional process to reign perpetually, bypassing public mandate, using a few members of the state machinery in both legislative and executive bodies. Eventually it turned out to be a ‘Reign of Terror’ for the nation. All elections after 2009 were controversial and rather were selections. Hence she had no legitimacy to rule. Oligarchs and crony capitalists emerged like in all other textbook authoritarian state who replaced the regular politicians which the nation did not want to see again in this country. Oligarchs and crony capitalists emerged like in all other textbook authoritarian states who replaced the regular.....
